Vip Roses are traded at Flora Holland. Dutch exporters distribute them all over the world. We don’t sell directly to wholesalers or florists.
Only exporters can buy our roses at Flora Holland auctions and directly from our webshop connection. Wholesalers can buy our roses at dutch exporters/traders.
Florists can buy our roses at wholesalers who are supplied by Dutch exporters. We don’t sell to private individuals.
Ask a supplier below for a webshop connection with Vip Roses.
Company | Area | Website |
Vip Roses by Anne en Nina | Florists, Events, Decorations companies and Private individuals in the Netherlands only. | Website |
Jet Fresh Growers | Ecuador to North America | Website |
Vimex Flower | High Quality Flowers & Plants, Area : Middle East, USA/Canada, Asia, Carribean, Poland and France | Website |
Florca Westland | Specialized in high-quality.
GCC, USA/Canada, Africa, South East Asia | Website |
Hoven en de Mooij (Wholesaler) | Worldwide | Website |
OZ Export | Europe, Asia, the Middle East and America | Website |
EZ Flowers | World wide, specialized in air shipments USA, Dubai, Qatar, Bahrein, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, | Website |
Holex Flower Specialist in air-sea freight to worldwide destinations | Worldwide | Website |
Hamifleurs | Worldwide | Website |
Hukra BV | Sweden, Finland | Website |
Van Dijk Bloemen | World wide, Usa, Australia, Far East, Mexico | Website |
Van der Plas Bloemen | Europe | Website |
Hilverda de Boer | World wide, Norway | Website |
Floris agora group | Holland, Belgium, France | Website |
Van Duyvenvoorde | Europe | Website |
Barendsen | Worldwide | Website |
Fleura Metz | Worldwide | Website |
Van Vliet Flower Grp. | UK, USA, Czech Rep, Greece, Lithuania, Latvia, Croatia | Website |
Verbeek & Bol | Worldwide | Website |
Greenfields Arabic spoken company 0031629006039 | Middle East and the Gulf, Dubai,AbuDhabi, Quatar, Kuwait, Oman, Jordan, Bahrein Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt | Website |
Verboon Fleurs | Switzerland | Website |
Water drinker | Worldwide | Website |
Hoek Flowers | Worldwide | Website |
Hans Visser | Worldwide | Website |
Sjaak van der Vijver | UK, Poland, Russia, Romania | Website |
IBH-Export | Europe | Website |
Holland Indoor Plants | Europe | Website |
Henk Baltus | Central and eastern Europe | Website |
Juniflor | UK, Eastern Europe | Website |
Flowerforce | Russia | Website |
Byfod BV | USA, Australia, South-Africa, Russia | Website |
Vianen | UK, Middle East, Germany | Website |
Flowervision | London, Oxford, Guildford and areas surrounding | Website |
Bloomer | florists Holland and Belgium | Website |
Pacific Coast Floral Wholesale | serving florists in Western Canada | Website |
Anton Spaargaren | Worldwide | Website |
Dobbe Flowers | Wholesale and Cash and Carry in Aalsmeer | Website |
Aurora Flowers | Romania, Greece, Spain, Portugal | Website |
Roobos | France, Belgium, Finland, Sweden, Denmark | Website |
Kontikiflor | USA, Canada, UAE, Estonia | Website |
Tuning | Worldwide | Website |
Erka Sera | Wholesaler Istanbul Turkey | Website |
247Flowers | Italy, England, Romania, Bulgaria, Scandinavia, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Iceland, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark | Website |