The best way to purchase Vip Roses is through your wholesaler. Most wholesalers have a link to a Dutch exporter who can provide Vip Roses.
Dutch exporters are our clients. On our contact page you will find a list with these exporters. Many of these clients have a direct link to our stock.
No, we do not offer any export services. The Dutch flower exporters are our clients and they handle all sales and transport to other countries.
We are good at producing gorgeous flowers and are not specialized in shipping them. However, we are surrounded by export companies in Aalsmeer who do have that speciality.
Only exporters and wholesalers who are linked with Royal FloraHolland can receive a login to our webshop.
Only exporters and wholesalers who are linked with Royal FloraHolland can receive a login to our webshop.
We do not sell directly to the consumer.
No, we grow our roses from April through until the middle of November.
We do not grow roses in the winter as the demand for our roses is lower through these months. Additionally, the energy costs to heat the greenhouse are much higher.
Yes, the majority of the flowers we treat are available year round. With the exemption of true seasonal varieties.
No, the vase life of the colour treated flowers is generally the same as an untreated flower.
No, most of the dyes are biodegradable.
Each year we hold 3 customer days in the beginning of November. Outside of these planned events it is difficult to receive guests as we simply have too many requests.